Jenny Clise | San Francisco Yoga Instructor
Nestled in San Francisco,CA, Jenny Clise is meditating her way through life with yoga and dance. By finding a mindful and healing approach to her new relationship with her body, she has become a yoga teacher since 2012 and holds over 500 hours of teacher training.
She's passionate about teaching mindful flows and focusing on building foundation and alignment.
When I turn inward, I find no words. Only light; only love.
- Laura Jaworski

What are some of your favorite ways to work out during quarantine? What is it like in the daily life of you?
For me, my exercise habits changed a lot during quarantine. My at home yoga practice that I used to love for myself soon became my group class space as well. So I started taking up any excuse to go outside! I love hiking, being in (or on) a body of water, and walking my new puppy nala.
What are some ways you keep yourself mentally healthy?
I am like a plant. Happiness and health come to me in times I have plenty of water and sunshine. During my walks, I practice mindful awareness meditation (yes you can meditate while moving). As I walk, I take in my subtle surroundings and simply work towards becoming more aware of the present world as it exists around and within me. I have also started teaching yoga nidra (a meditation practiced lying down). Finally, I am enrolled in a 850 hour IAYT training where I get to connect with likeminded humans each month. The cohort of teachers and students I am with are from all over and every session I learn something from a new perspective. Everyone in my group has had their own set of mental-health, pandemic related, or socioeconomic challenges, and everyone holds space and respect for each other. Seeing my peers be the wonderful people that they are, despite challenging times, puts so much into perspective to me and helps me through my own mental health hurdles. It is such a healing and uplifting time to be surrounded by these people and to get to learn with them.
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Anything in sunshine, anything in the water.
Has there been any challenges trying to stay physically active during quarantine?
Of course! I had to find a new routine and flow to navigate all that was happening. When quarantine happened, my whole industry shifted. I spent so much time trying to catch up with the transition to the “new yoga normal” at first, that basically any me-time was dedicated to taking care of my mind and my inner dialogue.
In yoga, we move the body as a precursor to focusing the mind. Movement is an amazing tool to prepare for a deeper meditation practice. During Quarantine, I put it in reverse!
Physical health and mental health can be one in the same.
Through losing my normal and working through the messiness of it all, I slowly found new hobbies to stay active! I am so excited to practice on my new Stand Up Paddle Board!
Aleur Ivory Energetic Bra and Ivory Brave Leggings
What are some of your favorite foods to stay healthy?
I love eating seasonally, root vegetables in the wintertime, fresh fruit in the summertime etc. I also love eating foods that are local to where I am.
I have to say though, I don’t hold myself to a strict diet or regime. I eat what makes me feel good, both physically and MENTALLY. If having a slice of pizza is what will make me happy, I am not going to deny myself that.
Do you have any exciting new adventures planned for the future?
Every day is a new adventure for me, I have big plans with a loose roadmap. Adventures I do have planned though, that anyone can join, are my retreats! I have a Moab glamping retreat in September and a Bali New Years retreat to ring in 2022. You can find out more on my website:
What do you see yourself accomplishing in the new year?
Probably the thing I am most excited for is completing my 850- hour IAYT training through Prema Yoga Institute and being able to work with people in a more impactful and therapeutic way.